I had the chance to hear a speech from the conductor Itay Talgam and it was AMAZING! Just watch the video below and you will see why....
An orchestra conductor faces the ultimate leadership challenge: creating perfect harmony without saying a word. See how he does that:
Enjoy !
jeudi 22 octobre 2009
lundi 31 août 2009
We have time
We have time for all.
We have time for sleeping, for running here and there,
to regret that we were wrong and wrong again,
to judge others and absolve ourselves
We have time to read and write,
to correct what we wrote, to regret what we wrote,
we have time to do projects and not accomplish them,
we have time to make illusions and rummage through their ashes later.
We have time for ambitions and sickness,
to blame the destiny and the details,
we have time to look at the clouds, at ads or at a random accident,
we time to put aside our questions, to postpone the answers,
we have time to kill a dream and reinvent it,
we have time to make friends, to lose them,
we have time to receive lessons and forget them after,
we have time to receive gifts and not understand them
We have time for all.
No time for a little tenderness.
When we are about to do that too - we die.
I learned some things in life that I want to share with you !
I learned that you cannot make someone love you
All you can do is to be a person that can be loved.
The rest ... depends on others.
I learned that no matter how much I would care about
Others might not care at all.
I learned that it takes years to build confidence
And that in only a few seconds you could lose it
I learned that it doesn’t matter what you have in life
But who you have.
I learned that your charm might help you for about 15 minute
After that, however, you'd better know something.
I learned that you should not compare yourself with others can do better
But with what you can do
I learned that it doesn’t matter what happened to people
But it matters what you can do to solve
I learned that no matter how you cut
Everything has two sides
I learned that you can continue still more
After you said you can not anymore
I have learned that heroes are those who do the right thing at the right moment
Whatever the consequences
I learned that there are people who love you
But they don’t know how to show it to you
I learned that when I'm angry I have the right to be angry
But I don’t have the right to be mean
I have learned that true friendship continues to exist even at distance
And that goes for true love also
I learned that if someone does not love you as you wish
it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you with all his heart.
I learned that no matter how good a friend is
He will still hurt you from time to time
And you must forgive him for that.
I learned that it is not always enough to be forgiven by others
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself
I learned that no matter how much you suffer,
The world will not stay in place for your grief.
I learned that the past and the circumstances may influence your
But you're responsible for what you become
I learned that if two people argue, does not mean that they don’t love each other
And the fact that they don’t argue doesn’t mean that they love each other either.
I learned that sometimes you have to put the person first
And not her actions
I learned that two people can look at the same thing
And see something totally different
I learned that regardless of consequences
Those who are honest with themselves get farther in life
I learned that your life can be changed in a few hours
By people who don’t know you.
I learned that writing
Like speaking
It can soothe the pain of a soul
I learned that it is too hard to tell
Where to draw the line between being friendly, not to hurt people and sustain your views.
I learned to love
In order to be loved
We have time for all.
We have time for sleeping, for running here and there,
to regret that we were wrong and wrong again,
to judge others and absolve ourselves
We have time to read and write,
to correct what we wrote, to regret what we wrote,
we have time to do projects and not accomplish them,
we have time to make illusions and rummage through their ashes later.
We have time for ambitions and sickness,
to blame the destiny and the details,
we have time to look at the clouds, at ads or at a random accident,
we time to put aside our questions, to postpone the answers,
we have time to kill a dream and reinvent it,
we have time to make friends, to lose them,
we have time to receive lessons and forget them after,
we have time to receive gifts and not understand them
We have time for all.
No time for a little tenderness.
When we are about to do that too - we die.
I learned some things in life that I want to share with you !
I learned that you cannot make someone love you
All you can do is to be a person that can be loved.
The rest ... depends on others.
I learned that no matter how much I would care about
Others might not care at all.
I learned that it takes years to build confidence
And that in only a few seconds you could lose it
I learned that it doesn’t matter what you have in life
But who you have.
I learned that your charm might help you for about 15 minute
After that, however, you'd better know something.
I learned that you should not compare yourself with others can do better
But with what you can do
I learned that it doesn’t matter what happened to people
But it matters what you can do to solve
I learned that no matter how you cut
Everything has two sides
I learned that you can continue still more
After you said you can not anymore
I have learned that heroes are those who do the right thing at the right moment
Whatever the consequences
I learned that there are people who love you
But they don’t know how to show it to you
I learned that when I'm angry I have the right to be angry
But I don’t have the right to be mean
I have learned that true friendship continues to exist even at distance
And that goes for true love also
I learned that if someone does not love you as you wish
it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you with all his heart.
I learned that no matter how good a friend is
He will still hurt you from time to time
And you must forgive him for that.
I learned that it is not always enough to be forgiven by others
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself
I learned that no matter how much you suffer,
The world will not stay in place for your grief.
I learned that the past and the circumstances may influence your
But you're responsible for what you become
I learned that if two people argue, does not mean that they don’t love each other
And the fact that they don’t argue doesn’t mean that they love each other either.
I learned that sometimes you have to put the person first
And not her actions
I learned that two people can look at the same thing
And see something totally different
I learned that regardless of consequences
Those who are honest with themselves get farther in life
I learned that your life can be changed in a few hours
By people who don’t know you.
I learned that writing
Like speaking
It can soothe the pain of a soul
I learned that it is too hard to tell
Where to draw the line between being friendly, not to hurt people and sustain your views.
I learned to love
In order to be loved
jeudi 4 décembre 2008
The real meaning of peace
"There once was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace.
Many artists tried.
The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two he really liked, and he had to choose between them.
One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds.
All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.
The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played.
Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all.
But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock.
In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest - in perfect peace.
Which picture do you think won the prize? The king chose the second picture.
Do you know why?
"Because," explained the king, "peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.
Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace."
mardi 14 octobre 2008
Le français langue de l'amour (en Français, s'il-vous-plaît)

Pourquoi le français est-il considéré comme la langue de l'amour ? Ou plutôt non, pourquoi le français est-il capable de retranscrire des émotions, des sonorités, des rythmes de battements de coeur ? Le "ai" de "aimer" est tellement plus doux que le "l" de "love" ou l'accroche dure du "a" et de la fin rugueuse de "amar". La France aurait-elle eu un passé romantique plus conséquent que les autres pays ? Aurions-nous passé plus de temps à écrire de poèmes et autres chants pour séduire, et ainsi créer un vocabulaire ? Amis historiens et littéraires je vous laisse le soin de réfléchir et d'écrire sur la question.
Une chose est certaine pour moi, si le français est la langue de l'amour, je voudrais en écrire notre propre dictionnaire.
vendredi 10 octobre 2008
What if it was angels exist?

Albin Michel publishes the last book of Bernard Werber Paradis sur mesure and it reminds that long time ago I read one of his book L'empire des anges (The Empire of Angels). Here is the resume (in French for now):
"Que pensent les anges de nous ? Que peuvent-ils faire pour nous aider ? Qu'attendent-ils de l'humanité en général ? Lorsque Michael Pinson (stupidement tué dans un accident d'avion percutant un immeuble) a passé avec succès l'épreuve de la « pesée des âmes », il a accédé au royaume des anges. Mais passé le premier émerveillement, il découvre l'ampleur de la tâche. Le voilà chargé de trois mortels, qu'il devra désormais guider et aider tout au long de leur vie. Ses moyens d'action les rêves, les signes, les médiums, les intuitions, les chats. Cependant, il est obligé de respecter le libre arbitre des hommes. Il s'aperçoit que ceux-ci essaient de réduire leur malheur au lieu de construire leur bonheur. Que faire pour leur montrer la voie ? Et puis comment s'occuper intelligemment au Paradis, un endroit bien sympathique mais sans cinéma, sans musique, sans restaurant ?"
I was remembering why I liked this book and why it touched me. I enjoyed it because it goes in the imaginary of a kind of paradise, world in the sky/heaven which is the empire of angels. It enables to see what our lives look like from above, from someone who was once on earth, and now look at it with a new eye. It enables the angel to understand and analyze what people do and, as it is said in the abstract above, realize that we try to reduce our misfortune and not to expand our happiness. The idea is very strong actually and I think it deserves some reflection. To be continued...
samedi 27 septembre 2008
With time you figure out that every experience you have lived is unique ...
After a while, you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.
You learn that love doesn’t mean sex, and that a company doesn’t mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses are not contracts and presents are not promises. You begin to accept your defeats with head high and with eyes open.
And you learn to build all your roads of today, because tomorrow´s ground is too uncertain for plans, and futures have a way of falling down in pieces. After a while your learn that even sunshine burns if you get to much.
You plant your own garden and you decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for some one to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure, that you really are strong and that you really have a worth, and you learn and learn.
With time you learn that to be with some one who offers you a good future, means that sooner or later you will want to go back to your past. With time you understand that only who is able to love you with your defects and without trying to change you, will be able to give you all the happiness you wish.
With time you find out that if you are at the side of that person just so as to accompany your loneliness, irremediably you will finish hoping not to see him/her again. With time you understand that true friends are counted, and who doesn't fight for them sooner or later will see himself surrounded by false friends.
With time also you learn that words said in a moment of anger will continue hurting the one you hurt during all his/her life. With time you learn that to say "I´m sorry", anybody does it, but to forgive is only done by great souls.
With time you figure out that although you are happy with your friends, someday you will cry for those ones you let go. With time you figure out that every experience you have lived is unique.
With time you figure out that the person who humiliates and despises to a human being, sooner or later he/she will suffer the same humiliations or scorns multiplied by two. With time you figure out that to hurry or to force things to happen, will cause that at the end they were not as you expected.
With time you figure out that in reality the future was not the best, if not the instant moment you were living. With time you will see that although you are happy with the ones you have at your side, you will miss the ones that yesterday were with you, but they have gone.
With time you will learn that try to forgive or to ask for forgiveness, say that you love, say that you miss, say that you need, say that you want to be a friend, in front of a tomb, has no sense.
But unfortunately, only with time...
You Learn - Jorge Luis Borges
jeudi 4 septembre 2008
Enjoying life
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